The Philips Hue API provides fine-grained control over your Hue lighting system, and the PhilipsHue package for R aims to simplify making requests to the API and processing responses. The package provides wrappers for all V1 endpoints using local authentication; remote authentication is not supported.
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To connect to your Hue Bridge, you’ll need to discover the Bridge IP address and create a username
. See vignette("local_authentication")
for more detailed instructions. Once you have these values, you can use auth_local()
to save them as environment variables.
auth_local(ip = "999.999.999.999", username = "<Philips Hue username>")
Here are some examples of what you can do once you’ve set your credentials.
# # Delete and re-add all lights (Warning!)
# purrr::map_lgl(names(get_lights()), delete_light)
# search_for_new_lights()
# get_new_lights()
# Rename a light
rename_light("1", "Table lamp")
# Create a room
group_id <- create_group(
name = "Living room",
type = "Room",
class = "Living room",
lights = as.character(1:4)
# Define a scene
scene_id <- create_scene("Default", as.character(1:4))
set_scene_lightstate, scene_id = scene_id,
on = TRUE, bri = 134, ct = 316
# Configure a switch to turn on the scene
sensor_id <- 42
name = "Living room - Default",
conditions = list(
condition(sprintf("/sensors/%s/state/buttonevent", sensor_id), "eq", "1002"),
condition(sprintf("/sensors/%s/state/lastupdated", sensor_id), "dx")
actions = list(
action(sprintf("/groups/%s/action", group_id), "PUT", scene = scene_id)